Monday, June 26, 2006
10:53 PM
Hmmmm... shall i say something?
Not for now i guess. I'll save it for a another time..
I do have some pictures to share though. Its on my multiply site. We had a photo taking frenzy @ the office about 2 weeks ago with Kak Su's camera. Im putting up pics with me in it.. So dont jelak if you see too much of me.
Well, at least its a blog update. More later.. Skipper-roo too-de-loo..!!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
11:33 AM
Ive been hit by the flu bug. Since yesterday actually. My nose was already running at work in the morning but inspite of that, i persevered the whole day yesterday to make sure that I stick on to every single plan that was made.
First, the whole farewell thing. Lunch at Sushi Don and Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake!! Sick or no sick, ive got to eat it and i sure did not regret it. 2 slices some more. But farewells are never really a happy occasion. Anyway, they've been so great. Will sure miss them.
And BBQ chicken wings and sate @ECP. Dah lama seh planning.. So cant cancel. Didnt want to anyway. But the problem is, my throat got worst so i went back straight after that.
I was still contemplating about the final plans of the day at home after dinner. Clubbing with the girls. I was really really sick but I also didnt want to spoil the plans. I already promised that we will go after exams and they are already waiting for me outside. In fact, I was the one that suggested we go Friday. So takkan nak cancel kan. KONPERM kena spot nyer.. So nak taknak, pergi jugak lah.
We checked out The Butter Factory @Robertson quay. Pretty happening I might say. But the place is like elusive gilerr... Great music, good crowd, pretty girls, not-so-handsome boys (those boys who are, they're probably gays). But me, ros and dahlia enjoyed it. Bila kat dalam, sakit-sakit semua lupa lah...! Hehehe. Tapi tu lah, bila dah keluar, when Ros suggested Simpang after, even Dahlia noticed that i was already half-dying. She said setengah mampos. So before anything, i declared that i would have to cancel our beach plans for the weekend.
So thats it. This weekend i'm just gonna rest. No other activities for me. Just relax and chill and tend to my sick self. Must make sure im well for Monday. Cant wait for MD to come back from Bangkok. I think thats the reason why i got sick.
So surely he can make me feel better. He always does noe how to take care of me. Tapi.... i think confirm i kena spelling first one...
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
10:17 PM
Especially for Mr Im-Going-To-Germany-for-SEVEN-months aka Azhar aka Boy
Have a good trip yah!! Take care of yourself and be good. You'll definitely be missed by us. But dont worry, we wont forget about you in our outings so dont forget us. Im sure you're going to have so much fun there. And please dont forget the pictures and updates and BLOG!!! Thats going to be our main point of contact to know how's things going for u. Oh yah.. and email too.. and MSN.. and Friendster... Tell us everything!! The places you go to, things you do and of course, the HOT European babes you meet. KON-PERM best!!
You've been such a main man in our outings and a great fren. My LBO comrade. Study partner and PC master. Appreciate it all. Its been hectic so far so now its time to go enjoy, boy!! Bon Voyage!! Auf Wiedersehen!!

Friday, June 09, 2006
5:43 PM
At work now... Though i can already knock off, im waiting for Haslin to be done so that we can go chill.. Member TERasa nak makan crepes pat Marche. And I.. when she said Marche, all i can think of was the mushroom soup.. So yah, we are off to satisfy our cravings..
People say that Im unusually bright and cheerful at the office today. Its not my clothes, i tell you. Im wearing jeans and black top so theres definitely nothing cheery about that. Seriously speaking, I am in a pretty good mood today. Stark difference from yesterday.. cried like a baby right here in the office because they dont want to approve my leave. Yeah.. emotional giler, i tell you!! Tu pon nak nangis..
But today I think I know why I was emotional. Apa lagi kalau bukan pasal bulan mengambang kann.. Heheheh... So that kinda explains the mood swings. Bad yesterday, good today. And yah, they decided to change their mind after all.. Thats one more reason why I was bright and cheery. I was the MOST polite and MOST nicest with people and ALWAYS smiling no matter.. Even one of my bosses exclaimed, "She seems happy today. Whatever Radiah put in her coffee, I want it in mine!! And make it a double!!" Bill, bill.. the funny one. He's going back soon. Surely I'll miss him...
The thing is, I kinda feel the cramps creeping up.. Thats not a good sign I tell you. It could badly affect my mood.. But since im in town, if it does, i just go do some retail therapy and im sure everything will be alrite...
Hmm.. maybe not..
Okay gotta go. Haslin calling. Chow peeps. Have a good one yah.... :)
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
10:27 PM
Wooohooo!!! Yes lah bayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-by!!
Today marks the end of my exams. Which also means that I no longer have to go through the whole "exam-period-have-to-study-shit-so-cannot-do-anything-else" nonsense.. *sigh of relief*
So now im officially no longer a student of SIM. Time to focus on my career.
Had a talk before the exam just now with Sianli about work and stuff. I was telling her how the job im currently holding is too stable for me. It would be a good last job, something I would not mind staying on for a long long time. You know, the kind of job that you can do when you want to "kumpul-duit-nak-kahwin" kind. But for a first job... thats a questionable issue. You see, what I would have like to do is to try out other vocations first... see what its like out there.. gain experience.. develop network.. before i delve into something predictable. My young blood wants to experience being dynamic and volatile. But like she said, and maybe also the rest of the people i talk to, its so sayang to let go. True enough, it is. So the way i see it, thanks to the good advice from Ros, only change job if you find something that you are really passionate about doing, or something that pays you much higher than what you earn now. NOTED.
Now, I know that this is long overdue but still, give me a chance to talk about it, wont cha? About my super McFun Birthday Party lahhh... One word to describe it.. BEST!! Thanks to all the people that turned up. My dearest Yusof and Afri, Hafiz, Tuty, Tini, Faizal, Zul, Rosz, Azhar, Farhan and Raudah, Rizal, Dean, Dahlia, Roslinda, Fazilah, Mahathir, Ardhilla, my cousin Izan & Brian and last but not least, Haslin and nephew.
You guys made it such a memorable event. One that I will remember for a loong long time. Once again, thanks for coming. The gifts are great, guys. And Tini, yours was delicious. Ive been using the nice-smelling hands and nails cream, you know. Just finding the right time to use the rest. I love it. Since I dont have my own camera, please refer to Tini's and Rosz's multiply for the pics, aite. Sorry yah guys.. cukai gambar dari korang... Hehehhe.. :)

Speaking of gifts, my darling girlfrens got me a COACH clutch!! Yay...!! Now i have a dangling bag to carry around instead of one oversized bag filled with UOL study guides and lecture notes. Thanks darlings... appreciate it.
And speaking of darlings... I would like to extend my most heartwarming hugs to my sweet sweet dearheart who have made me feel like such a princess on my birthday itself. All that pampering was wonderful. Thanks for
With that said and done, I think its best i leave the blog-updating to another time. Since I have time aplenty on my hands now, surely i foresee more updates than the past.. say... 5 weeks? Wah.. thats quite a long hah... Kalau tulis storybook, dah berchapter-chapter tu...