Wednesday, August 30, 2006
3:57 AM
I love it when my Dearheart spring nice surprises for me. This time round, it was even nicer since I became part of it. That is to say, I get to watch the whole set-up and hard work he put into it . And I tell you, everything was done and cooked there and then. Its a big huge "A" for effort.. *smiles*
BBQ ala fine dining @ ECP

I was just sitting down at the green mat in front of the makeshift dinner table whilst MD was busy at the cooking area. Well.. he's the better cook what... :)

Grilled salmon with herbs and Cream based sauce with shitake mushroom.

For starters, Salad with grilled tomato & lemon mayo

The main course.. served with pasta
Two happily stuffed people.

And one greatly pleased girl.Who says that the way to a man's heart is through the stomach? I beg to differ on that... It should be.. a way to a woman's heart is through her stomach... belly buttons, talking tummy and all..
Sunday, August 27, 2006
11:55 PM
When i was lookin around for a digital camera, i only gave myself 3 choices: Sony, Canon or Nikon. Got some important info from Faiz and Dean abt some considerations that I should take note of. With that in hand, I was set to get my long-awaited digital camera for myself.
And i did just that. Out of all the choices that the salesperson presented, i fell in love with this one. And with that, here's presenting... my very own camera.... :)

Its a Nikon Coolpix S3.Yippee!!! Another item striked off my wishlist... For 600 buckeroos, it
BETTER be worth it!!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
10:09 PM
Look... YOU told sumone tat Im stuck-up. Saw me at the bustop but I wasnt smiling.
Hell-LLOOO!! I didnt saw you okay.. But wait. At that point of time.. I didnt even KNOW you.
But when I knew you said tat, I tried to be nice. Asked him to introduce you to me. We walked over to you to say hi and you snub me?!?!? Just me, you and him but you just treat me as if im not there?!
Give me some credit will you. At least I made some effort to correct your perception. Even if my face was stuck up and I wasnt smiling at the busstop, it WAS NOT meant to be directed at you. But when I came over with him to talk to you and you diregard my presence, now THAT is obvious that you're purposely ignoring me.
Just what IS it with you, woman?
Last I heard, you actually used the word 'menyampah'. Now.. THAT I cannot accept. There I was trying to make a serious attempt to get on the correct footing with you, and you wanna be conceited about it?
Dont get all snooty on me okay.. Im NOT as presumptous as you.
You how uppity lah..!
Okay, that aside.. Heres some pics that I kop from Rosz multiply. Heehheehee. We celebrated the Leo babies birthday at Makansutra with desserts at New York New York. Too bad Dean missed the photo-taking session. Had fun though guys... ;)

My Deep Fried Mars Bar with Ice Cream. I believe they categorized it as Super Sinful.
Happy faces on one side....
and now the other side.

As for these 2 faces.. they look retarded to me.. Who says birthday boys must take nice pics? Heheheh..
Anyway, wishing Zul and Ah Sen a Happy belated Birthday. Hope you guys liked the gifts and enjoyed the meet-up yah.. All the best in whatever you do!!
And the phrase for that day is: "WHERE GOT THING?!?!?!?!!"
Monday, August 14, 2006
8:44 PM
Got my collared dress yesterday.. make it TWO collared dressES.. and two new t-shirts.. And to think i was thinking of saving.. Haizz...
But thanks to tuty, cos she helped me a bit. If not, I'll surely jolly well spend on shoes too.. and more tops. MD said I should learn to exercise more self-control and live within my means. That is say.. Savings are meant to be saved, not spent. Orang tu kan dah ambik banking and finance sekarang. So he's concerned about any financial issues of mine.. and I think I need that. Without somebody to look over me in that sense, i think i'll be doomed. But of course, end of the day, its me who have to train myself in the art of limitation.
Okay.. that said, I'll just touch on my well-spent weekend. Went to the beach on Saturday and had a good time with two great groups of friends at Sentosa. And then had dinner at Far East Square. In the night, I went out with Pearl, Mint, Jerelyn and Chuan to Velvet Underground. There I saw my SIM-SRC gang. Charlene, Adrian, Gan, Shaune, Peter, Ben, Brian and even Mary. Its been so so long since I saw them. Still as funky as ever.. ;)
Pic we took at Velvet..

Our Black and White space So yah.. thats some of my new friends that I made. I think tat I must put up more pics on my blog. It seems a lil empty as compared to the hundreds of pic that Boy has.
That could only mean one ting... Shopping for a digicam. Any good suggestion, anyone?
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
1:36 PM
I caught the fireworks yesterday and i must say.. it was really impressive. An entire 15 minutes of pyrotechnics display up in the clear dark sky of the Esplanade. If only I wasnt squeezed amongst the crowd.. There was too many people!!! Not that im complaining, cos at the end of it all, it was well worth it.
So today is a holiday. Amazingly, theres no good shows on TV. Apart from the parade later and Singapore Idol, that is. These are the only programs i intend to watch. Other than that, im not interested in the rest. And FYI, this year im rooting for either Hady or Johnathan to be the next Singapore Idol. Like what Ken said, these are the only 2 deserving contestants. How true.
I dont even want to bother about what Ja have to say. I think shes the most un-appealing judge there. Whatever she say will never fail to come out as a slur and i always end up saying "What the...?!!??". Her comments are so redundant. Geram seh tengokkan dia kadang2...
Im having trouble booking for my TP date. The next available date is on Oct 25th. Which, by the way, would be the 2nd day of Hari Raya. So tak kuasa seh. So now i have to wait for the next test date to come out, then i'll book. At first i didnt realize that its the 2nd day of Hari Raya until the girl pointed out to me. I guess I didnt expect that Hari Raya would be coming up oh so soon.
How fast time flies by.. I dont even remember what ive been doing for the past year or so. Luckily i keep a blog. Spent some time readin through some of my earlier posts and smiled when i start recalling. In times like this, i wish i possesses the Universal Remote Controller that Adam Sandler had in CLICK. Just so i could rewind my exeriences and pause as and when i want to. Oh.. the changing color and language part is cool too.. But unlike him, fast forwarding my life is something I would not do. Who wants to get older faster, anyway? Not me, I'll say....