Tuesday, September 26, 2006
11:23 PM
Japan was great!! Loved the weather, the people (ahem ahem), the food and best of all.. the hotel. Oh yah.. not forgetting the endless things that i could buy there but didnt... Haizz...
Nevermind, hopefully i'll return again someday. Right now, i'm saving up for Taipei. The girls kept saying that people can simply go crazeeee over there. So just in case i end up the same, i betta be prepared.. ;)

What can i say.... It was a day well spent....
Monday, September 25, 2006
9:29 PM
10 votes for Hady Mirza and its worth it.
His version of "You Give Me Wings" is what made me decide to cast my votes on him.

You go, Hady~! Be proud that you're THE Singapore Idol cos I definitely am....
(I sacrificed 1 plate of salmon with jap sauce for him hor!)Actually both of them deserve the title. Besides, Jonathan's good too so he definitely will go far in the local scene. But from the grand final's performance, I believe in Hady.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
10:49 PM
So there!! I did it. Its about time, anyway. Been keeping it with me for far too long. Appreciate all the times we spent together.. and whenever we're not, I never fail to feel a lil bit incomplete. That was how important you are. But alas! What that have to go, has to go. They say away with the old and on with the new...
So goodbye to you my trusted 6230
and HELLOOOO...........

N73Been waiting and contemplating for quite sometime on whether or not I should get a new phone. Whats with the whole 3G thing and better camera phone models you see nowadays. I too long for a phone with better features and capability. There were some criterias that I find rather imperative for my new phone.
3G technology - If its not, then why wanna change right?
MP3 and radio - to keep me company when I need it
Camera with higher mp - just in case i dont want to carry my Nikon
Bluetooth - for easy transfer of files
User friendly interface - must be easy to use for me; in other words, only NOKIA
Size - Cannot be too bulky and guy-like
So you see, im not really fussy on phones. My choice was actually torn between the N80 and the N73. And in the end,
SIZE does matter...
Thursday, September 14, 2006
9:25 PM

If I remembered correctly, I did mention that im rooting for either
Hady or
Johnathan to win Singapore Idol tis year. And waddya know?
BOTH got to be the final two. So now I dunno who to support. Best thing to do.. see how they're gonna perform in The Final Showdown. Then we'll see who gets my vote... I promised myself that Im gonna vote at least 5 times in the Grand Final. I like to see this as my way of contributing to the development of the next Singapore Idol. Must support local music
mahhhh.... :)
Monday, September 11, 2006
11:26 PM
Me, Dahlia and Fazilah had like a girls activities kinda day yesterday..

Thats us on the PIE
First stop... The New Cathay for
her waxing appointment. Peace.

Next... Hyatt for
her new haircut cum hairdo.
Then on to Far East for my manicure & pedicure.
Watever happen to the 4th one? Well.. Ros got lucky winning herself a home entertainment system in a lucky draw that I filled up for her. Too bad she didnt win the notebook. Else, it'll be mine! She only joined us later after we had dinner n desserts at NYDC. We were supposed to go see her new baby niece but she was late, can?!? Another time maybe... but till then, ill just content myself with the pic..

Ros & Qaisara. Shes so cute!!!
Wanna see another cute pic?
Hehehehehe.. okay, okay! I know. Act cute only... But it was Lenette's idea hor!! Im just putting this pic up for fun. Bukannya selalu y'all get to see my merepek2 punya pics.. :)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
2:42 AM
What do you think of?
When sadness surrounds
And happy times gone by
Do you feel all alone?
Amongst the plesantries
Amidst the beauty
Yet the stillness is there
All around, everywhere..
Longing.. Hoping.. Wishing...
Yet you continue to move..
Something better awaits
Thats what is always said.
But you know that in the end..
It's what have been decided by Fate.
Friday, September 01, 2006
1:47 AM
Im pretty pleased with my results. Better than what I anticipated to get. Although I was expecting LBO to be higher than OT, it turns out to be the other way round. But thats beside the point. What matters is that Ive finally completed my university studies and earned my degree. The only thing left is convocation.. At long last, I'll be a graduate. Something my family can be proud of. 2nd lower or not. :)
Right now, Im preparing for the first training 2moro. I'll try to be as good as possible. But if im not up to your expectations, please be kind and patient. I understand how fun it is to zap people especially trainees but lets not overdo it yah... I dont want to end up tearing...
*excited and nervous*