Friday, October 27, 2006
8:29 AM
Wishing all my friends a...
I have to say that this Hari Raya was not really a joyous occasion for me. Instead of spending time with my family, I was out of town... Upset.

All alone and nothing to do in Sydney...
Thanks to all the lovely people for the thoughtful Hari Raya greetings on that day itself. It DID lighten my mood up... But still, it would be nice if I was in Singapore though.
Do I love my job? Too soon to tell....
Saturday, October 21, 2006
6:17 AM
My thoughts....
What am i going to do about YOU?
Didnt you know that responsibility is the price of greatness.. Im sorry that I cant say that of you. But you are wat you are. And that cannot be evaded.
Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.
Friday, October 13, 2006
3:03 PM
I was looking forward to London but after 3 days 2 nights, I decided that I dont tink I can stay too long there. Its too expensive. Think cost of things in Singapore.. but in pounds. Which reminds me of the fees that Ive been paying to UOL... Beribu tu..
Nevertheless, Im not going to let that flight goes to waste. Did a lot of sightseeing and travelling on the tube..
Day one: Piccadily circus and Elephants & Castle (home of the original MOS)

Day 2: Trip down to Stamford Bridge (home of The Blues)

with Anne and Dixie

Chelsea rocks!!

watching the view from the pitch side..

The Tunnel

In the dressing room. Notice the Dutch and German are put together..

Hmm... who shall I sign on next....

Stamford Bridge
Next, a visit to Highbury and the ultra big Emirates Stadium

Highbury undergoing demolition works

The Gunners new stadium

I wonder who sponsored their Emirates Stadium... (duh!)

Along the trails of Davinci Code.. lies

The Westminster Abbey

The magnificient Big Ben

Ending the night under the Statue of Eros
Day 3: Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum

Mr Sherlock Holmes...

The Rock

Jamie Oliver

Getting chummy with Angelina Jolie

The beautiful Aishwarya Rai

If only I can do this with the real him

Pretty Jennifer

What?!?! No bra?!?!?!

How often can you be bodyguarded by 2 princes? Theres more pics of me with celebrities (their wax counterpart, that is...) but at this point, my camera went dead on me. So I have to use my phone. And up til now, I still havent get a mini SD card reader to upload them to my PC. So nevermind... let them collect dust in my phone.
Im going for my practical later.. Dah more than 1 month seh never go for lesson. Hope I wont cock things up..
Sunday, October 08, 2006
10:31 AM
Graduation went well.. Thank god. It'd better be cos i sacrificed one whole nite with my dearly beloved SIM peeps becos of it.. And Im so missing them.... *sob sob*
Dont believe, ask Dean. I was so upset wen I told him I couldnt join them. I was sooo looking forward to seeing them and eat at that Warung Lele. Now, dunno who to ask to makan there with me. Best kan makan ramai2?
And to add to that, when I saw pics from past entries, multiply and friendster.. I recalled all the times we had . Kecoh werent we? Gossiping, disturbing, joking, posing, eating, drinking. It has always been fun..
Hopefully, I dont get a flight on nov 4th. *crosses fingers*