Sunday, November 26, 2006
7:07 PM
I know this is a bit belated but my computer is TOTALLY down and Ive terminated my Singnet Broadband due to some issues that im not happy about.... Thats the reason why ive not been able to go online. Once Im back from this Frankfurt/New York flight, I have every intention of getting a new PC and apply with another internet service provider.
Fortunately for me, I'll be back just in time for SITEX...
Till then, I'll just have to make do with free internet access that the company provide.... Thank god.
Since I cant upload my own pics, here's some pics of Rome that the crew sent me..

Posing on the stairs of the Palatino

Our attempt at a new SIA postcard design...

Us at the Colosseum

Eileen, Erica, me and my batch girl Mint..

One thing I can say... we all love Rome..
So thats Rome for you..
Im in New York at the moment. I thought that my pickup time for my flight back to Frankfurt was at 630 in the morning but its actually 630 in the evening. So theres another 12 hours to go... And I dunno wat to do cos Ive already packed my bag and all.
I spent my time yesterday walking around the city by myself. Something I thought I wasnt able to do. I didnt want to trouble the other crew and besides all of them had their own agenda.
But I was satisfied. Managed to see the United Nations, Trump Tower, Central Park, Bloomingdales, Saks, Macy's, Empire State Building, The Chrysler building, Rockefeller Centre, Radio City and down 5th, 6th, 7th, Park and Madison Avenue. True enough, New York is really THE place for shopping. Theres soooooo many shops, I tell you... Can go crazy.
Theres only one thing that I wanted but have yet to see though. The Statue of Liberty. Its too far for me to walk there yesterday. Not too sure if I want to unpack and go there today. Maybe this time round, I'll pass, and hopefully next time, I'll get to see it...
By the way, I meet up with Azhar in Frankfurt. Luckily he was around to go sightseeing with me. The other crew all want to
tidor in the room as it was too cold outside. So thanks to him, I get to see Romerberg (where they had the Christmas tree light up), Zeil, The Old Opera House and the Bridge on the River (I forgot the name..).

Thanks for the company Boy. See u back in Singapore next 2 weeks (or so).
Speaking of Singapore, I miss home. And of course, MD. You be good hor.. Dont naughty2... And to the rest, hope you're all doing well too... See ya and god bless..
Friday, November 10, 2006
4:40 PM
Im now in Rome, Italy. Making use of the free internet access at the hotel..
This is by far the best flight I have so far. Well-behaved passengers, nice crew and of course, beautiful, beautiful city. I even had my first compliment letter.. Makes me feel that at least theres still hope..
It has been 4 days and Im going back to Singapore later. Cant wait to go home... As much as it is great here, I miss home so much. U would think that people in Singapore would complain abt everything but the one thing that you cant substitute for back home would be the safety.
Even in a city as comely as Rome, you have to be careful, I tell you. My friend's mom got pickpocketed and everywhere you go you really have to be wary of people.. When we were in the train, we saw someone took someone else's wallet and took off right there and then JUST before the door closes. And it was right in front of a policeman some more..... Amazing.
But nevermind, Im going home and Im glad that nothing happened to me here.. Went to the Colloseo, Palatino, Fontana Di Trevi, Vatican City, Spagna and also the Basilica of Santa Maria and St Pietro. Had lotsa fun. Hopefully I can get to come here again...
But till then... Ciao Roma.