Saturday, January 13, 2007
7:20 AM
The Batam trip was fun. Despite the on-and-off rain, which hindered us to do any sea sports ativities, we still managed to do go-karting. We visited a couple of shopping centre where we are all busy calculating how cheap stuffs are over there. Grade 2 or not.
And of course, the food..! Need I say more? Local, inexpensive, warung style nasi padang.. Classic A&W waffles, root beer float and curly fries.. and what better way to end the night with a seafood spread on a kelong... Best!

The ones who went..

Welcome to Batam...

1st stop, Nagoya Hill Shopping Centre

With Pak Leman, our driver, who brought us to the warung..

Lunch and Teh Botol Sosro..

How tempting is this lah...

Before go-kart: Kita semua step mana punya racer lah..

After go-kart: Make it dirrty racers.. me especially. Eeeww!

A pic of the guys in front of the kelong style seafood restaurant

Finally... going back to mainland Singapore.... Pics courtesy of Rizal's multiply.. go chk it out..
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
5:28 PM
Its the start of my 4 day leave. Some of my colleagues were asking if I had plans to go for a short trip somewhere. I wouldnt mind actually.. but too bad, no kaki to go holiday-ing with.
I remembered planning for a trip to Boracay with the gals.. but last month, that plan got cancelled as Ros would be going to Paris to meet her bf instead. Dahlia have to be in KL, and as for Faz, she cant take leave as she just started her new job..
I have to say, I was a tad dissapointed that I couldnt go for any short getaway but I was pretty alright with the idea of just staying at home and do nothing. Like wat MD said, my work itself da macam pergi holiday... Macam jer, okay!! Work is still work. There's alwiz the good and bad side of it.. just like any other job.. Besides, if not for my leave, when else can I have the pleasure of going out of town with my own friends and loved ones?
And the best thing, I will get to do both! Rest at home as well as go for a 1 day trip with my chums to.....................................
1 day trip pon jadi lah.. The important thing is, we get to getaway for a while and do activities out of Singapore and of course, have fun together.. Best kan!?! Im so looking forward to this thursday, guys... Jangan tak jadi eh.....
So in the meantime, I'll just go for my yoga classes and recuperate at home. The class I went to just now made my legs turned to jelly. A lot of legs-in-the-air actions and making it stay up!
Which reminds me... its best I go read up on the terms they used to name certain postures. Theres "Downward facing dog" la.. "Cobra" la.. "Crescent" la... "Warrior" la.. "Plank" pon ada... I tink im the most blur there. Asyik kena tengok instructor jer...Until he kept on coming over to adjust my posture. So pai-sey seh..! I'll be going for another Hot Yoga session with the same instructor 2moro.
And what more, MD will be going with me.... :) *smile gleefully*
9:50 AM
Lips of an Angel - Hinder
Honey why are you calling me so late.
It's kinda hard to talk right now
Honey why are you crying is everything okay
I gotta whisper cause I can't be too loud
Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
It's funny that you're calling me tonight
And yes I've dreamt of you too
And does he know you're talking to me
Will it start a fight
No I don't think she has a clue
Well my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on...
Sunday, January 07, 2007
12:26 PM
I went for my first Yoga class yesterday at True Yoga. As a member... Hehehe..
Just the day before, Dahlia, she herself a VIP platinum member, brought me in as a guest to try it out. And after that trial class, I signed up for the 2 year membership. I mean, why wait right? Its part of my resolution anyway. And what more, I get access to all their clubs including the newly opened gym at OUB centre..
But yoga is NOT funny, I tell you.. After the class yesterday, I was so dead beat. Luckily we had plans to meet Ros and Faz. If not, I would have just went home straight and mend my aching body. Maklumlah, tak biasa kan..
Although yoga might not really be a strenuous form of exercise, I'd say that it is the intensity of the routines that makes it somewhat straining. Im still a beginner so i still have yet to get used to it. The instructor said that with more practice, the fatigueness will not be there and instead i will feel more rejuvenated. Hmm... macam nak suruh datang banyak2 kali je..
But because of my irregular days and hours of work, I also have to get used to going for the classes by myself. Dahlia will only be around on weekends so her yoga sessions quite fixed. One good thing for me though is that I can go for the off peak sessions, where there'll not be many people and the instructor can put more focus on you.
But of course, kalau ada geng, thats much better. So if anyone of u is interested to try yoga out, go with me hokay...
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
10:48 AM
Happy New Year Everybody!! Wish u all prosperity, joy and luck throughout the year, filled with good memories and laughter and love....
Before I start on my new year resolution, I would like to review on my last year's resolutions..
1) Save more money - Hmm... I'll say that I definitely saved more in 2006 than 2005. Although my intention to spend less didnt exactly worked out, at least I did managed to set aside some money from my pay to put in my savings. So Im happy with this.
2) Keep healthy - I dont know about the exercising regularly and eating more healthy food part. But the weight part, thats definitely accomplished. I manage to lose weight to even less than my target weight. Thanks to aircraft food and irregular meals i guess...
3) Study hard - I wanted to get at least a 2nd lower. And I did just that.
4) To love - And be loved unconditionally. Stick to one and hope for the best. Thats where MD comes in. And so far, so good... :)
So you see, Im glad i managed to achieve all of my resolutions last year. Lets see whether my New Year' resolution for this year will work out the same.
2007 Resolutions
1) Keep in shape. I intend to try doing this through yoga. Hopefully the physical and mental exercises will be able to help discipline myself to keep a healty lifestyle.
2) Get my driving license. No more curb mountings watsoever.
3) Continue to save. Set a target amount for myself and work on achieving it.
4) Learn to let go. Be more positive in learning from whatever bad experiences that I might have.
I dont know how 2007 will be for me. If I could jot down my defining moments in 2006, it would be too many for me to list. But nevertheless, Im glad that whatever happened, happened and I feel blessed enough to be provided with the opportunities to see places, hear stories, taste happiness, smell love, touch hearts and feel experiences.
And with that I would like to thank all those people who's been a part of my 2006. Cheers to you and your loved ones..