Friday, May 02, 2008
4:37 AM
After being trained for the new 773-ER aircraft, i was so looking forward to going Milan.
Boy, was it great to be there..

Wat makes it better was that Shu Xia (aka Kelly) was also on the flight..

Of course, we couldnt missed out on trying the famous Italiano Gelato.

But best of all, i get to see Venice for the first time ever. And FYI, those rumours that said Venice is sinking, is false. Its just that the water is rising... due to global warming. Sad but true..

Everywhere you go in Venice, you will never fail to see shops selling masks, something the city is famous for. There's so many choices that me and Jo really couldnt make up our mind on which one to get..

Taking a shot with Cindy at the Rialto Bridge..

Something we all were excited about and so looking forward to, riding the gondola..

But too bad, me and Safiah got the best seat.. hehehe..

Here's us at Piazza San Marco plus its famous pigeons.

Masquerading with our masks on the train back to Milan. The 2 and a half hour was truly worth it..