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Thursday, July 10, 2008
9:52 AM

Oh well, people.. Im officially married now..


So that's one more addition to my family..


Im so glad everything went well.. Finally, the pre-wedding tension is over.

And the part that i enjoyed most during the wedding preparation.. was definitely the photoshoot. That was really fun.






My husband, Yusof and me would like to thank everyone who took the time to join us in celebrating our special day on 6th July 2008.

We are so honored to have our family and friends around during the wedding. Your presence and kind contribution is greatly valued. Many thanks to all of you!

Especially to those of you who took the extra time and expense to come to our wedding we would like to express our most gracious appreciation.

As for those who were unable to attend, we would like you to know that you were deeply missed.

Nevertheless, we hope that everyone would find it in their heart to wish us all the best in our marriage life. With your well-wishes, we are truly happy to embark on this exciting journey..


May God bless this union of ours. Insya-allah..

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
3:07 AM

They say Paris is THE place to shop. Too bad.. not for me.

Went to Galeries Lafayette - nothing.
Champs Elysees - nothing.

I did follow my colleague to the LV boutique though. It was HUGE! And packed!
Multi-leveled LV.. In other words, DEATH BY L.V. Wahahaha..

Needless to say, I didnt take any pic of the shop. Too cliche.

But i took lots of pics of the Eiffel Tower. Which is more cliche, i think.. Heh :)




Accompanied by Angela..


as well as Paul..


Give me Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame anytime man. I had more fun there. And of course, the Louvre.


The Louvre Museum sure was big. I think one day also cannot finish seeing everything inside..


But the best part was of course, seeing the Mona Lisa..


Being the 1st in the room and spending that few moments alone with her was truly precious.

On another note, I cant believe its already the 18th of June. *rubs hand gleefully*

Friday, May 02, 2008
4:37 AM

After being trained for the new 773-ER aircraft, i was so looking forward to going Milan.

Boy, was it great to be there..

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Wat makes it better was that Shu Xia (aka Kelly) was also on the flight..

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Of course, we couldnt missed out on trying the famous Italiano Gelato.

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But best of all, i get to see Venice for the first time ever. And FYI, those rumours that said Venice is sinking, is false. Its just that the water is rising... due to global warming. Sad but true..

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Everywhere you go in Venice, you will never fail to see shops selling masks, something the city is famous for. There's so many choices that me and Jo really couldnt make up our mind on which one to get..

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Taking a shot with Cindy at the Rialto Bridge..

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Something we all were excited about and so looking forward to, riding the gondola..

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But too bad, me and Safiah got the best seat.. hehehe..

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Here's us at Piazza San Marco plus its famous pigeons.

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Masquerading with our masks on the train back to Milan. The 2 and a half hour was truly worth it..

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
12:28 AM

Okay.. this is wat happened to me..

15th April 08: He asked me to marry him. Just outside Sultan Mosque, no less..

21st April 08: His family came over.

And so....

Gez wat??

Its gonna be in July.


Hehehhe.. im so excited.

Friday, February 15, 2008
2:37 PM

Shots of yesterday..

Went to Lilliputt for the first time to try my hands at miniature golf.

Modelled after famous landmarks of Singapore, we sure had a fun time challenging each other on all of the 18-hole courses.


He won, though. Shucks.

But I sure was better at this than ice skating I tell u..

I had never ever ice skate before. And I cant even roller-blade. So needless to say, I fell like A LOT of times. Luckily MD got me this "besi" thingy.


Which, as far as I can see, was only used by children... But what the heck. It sure beats having wet buttocks and bruised knees.


It doesnt even matter that I still cant ice-skate after 2 hours. Cos we both had a good time.

And when asked what I want to eat for dinner..


Ikan pari, oyster sauce kailan and cumi-cumi just about hit the spot.. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
12:08 PM

A couple of weeks ago, i went on a 4d getaway to Boracay, one of the islands in the Philippines.

What a beautiful island.

A nearer (and much cheaper) substitute for the Maldives, I'll say..

Me and MD really enjoyed ourselves there. We even thought of staying another night.


With fresh seafood all around the island, we indulge ourselves with lobsters, blue marlin, prawns, clams, crabs, mussels dan macam macam lah..


But the best thing is just the relaxing by the beach. With sand so white and water so blue, whats not to like, right? And of massages, mango juice and watermelon shakes, it sure was effortless to be at ease there..




When night comes, the entire White Beach would be bustling with activities. From live bands to lovely sandcastles, it was quite a sight to behold..



and especially so, is the sunset..


It was just.. simply beautiful.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
12:48 PM

As wat malays might say, Gedebak-gedebuk.. Dah dua ribu lapan..

Going back to my first Jan 2007 entry, here's my last years' resolutions.. Lets see how it went..

2007 Resolutions

1) Keep in shape. Alhamdullillah, i didnt put on weight or anything.. And I did go for my regular yoga sessions on my off days. So yah. Check this one.

2) Get my driving license. CHECK!!!! 23 Jul 2007, baby!! Woo-hoo!!

3) Continue to save. Last I check, i managed to save even much more than my target amount. But I think that my 6 month bonus really help me in this.. Another check.

4) Learn to let go. Well, i survived. SO there! Check this one too.

Not too bad huh? Maybe this whole new year resolutions thing can work for me.

And now, its time to list out my 2008 resolutions..

1) Pick up a new sport. Not sure what yet. But i'll see how this goes. Something else to keep me fit apart from my yoga.

2) Be in a more committed relationship. Quit playing around and be serious abit.

3) Save even more money. Maybe try to double wat i set for last year. Hmm.. could be hard. This one.

4) Reduce job stress. Be motivated and harmonized even when things get over-whelming.

Heres wishing everyone a Happy and Glorious New Year. I hope that 2008 will be a much better year for us with lots and lots of beautiful, meaningful and wonderful things that the new year can offer..

.:: Da Unpredictable Me ::.

namE :: raDiah
gendeR :: femAle
doB :: 29th May
horoscopE :: II ~ GeMiNi, The Twins
locatioN :: Eastern S'pore

~Life for me is unpredictable. But its the very unexpectancies that makes it all exciting, interesting and definitely beautiful~

.:: Da Unpredictable Sound ::.

sonG :: You're the inspiratioN
artisT :: ChicagO

.:: Da Unpredictable Chatter ::.

.:: Da Otha Unpredictables ::.


.:: Da Unpredictable Wants ::.

*new list of things*
To take my mom to Melbourne
Bebe rhinestone tee
Canon digital camera
Silver charm bracelet
A good bag
Nice pair of heels
Anna Sui pressed powder
Escada Sunset Heat perfume
New pair of jeans
Blue Orchids

.:: Da Unpredictable Lyfe ::.

January 2006February 2006March 2006April 2006May 2006June 2006July 2006August 2006September 2006October 2006November 2006December 2006January 2007February 2007March 2007April 2007May 2007June 2007July 2007August 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007December 2007January 2008February 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008

